Hello friends! We are a group of students from I.Sòl-de-Riu and their foreign language teachers. This is our new bog where we will post all our projects about our town, Alcanar.
There are different sections
1. places (town landmarks, nature, Restaurants),
2. people, with the project "people we admire where 1st of Batxillerat students have made little films on pleople from Alcanar, some of them famous, others not so much.
3. traditions, on festivals and festivities of the place as the Quinquenals, the Remei festivities in October or May festivals.
4. events, Festivals, concerts, trips, shows, contests. reports on different projects as recycling project" cleanteens" or the CLIL projects on sciences "Els Ports"
You can acceed to the information by clicking on the lables or going to the different blogs-
Our School,
Sights and Traditions of Alcanar
My favourite place
This blog is meant to be a window to show and see. We want to show our oral projects and see what other students have done. It was born as part a PELE (Pla Experimental de Llengües Estrangeres) to promote orality in 2010-11, and throughout the years it has grown into an oral guide of the place.
We hope you enjoy our projects.